Mass Effect: Andromeda’s Concept Art Featured Childish Gambino

Eric Bellefeulle, former lead user interface artist for BioWare Montreal, has published some concept art providing an early look at Mass Effect: Andromeda. The images, which you can see on his Artstation gallery, reveal some interesting things about the game’s early life.

While much of this is primarily focused on UI, they hint at ideas that weren’t featured in the final game, such as the ability to receive bonuses by scanning Remnant glyphs. There’s also a look at some environments that changed over time, such as Ryder’s quarters, which in the art is shown to have a large cylindrical tank to house SAM, the AI that is featured prominently throughout the game.

One image that really sticks out, however, is the squad menu. It shows early character models for Cora and Peebee, who both look drastically different, and also reveals that Nakmor Drack was originally called Narmor Drack. Vetra Nyx, meanwhile, was called Vale Nyx.

Then there’s the image of Liam Kosta, the human security and response specialist, who looks very familiar. Do you recognise him?

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Okay it’s Childish Gambino homeboy used him as placeholder art.

Anyways, it seems that, early in Mass Effect: Andromeda’s development, BioWare used Donald Glover as a model for Kosta. Glover is an actor known for his work on 30 Rock, Community, and Atlanta, and a rapper that goes by the name Childish Gambino.

The final version of Liam Kosta still bears striking resemblance to Glover and may have even picked up some of his personal traits along the way. It certainly would explain why Liam suddenly decides to walk around the Tempest shirtless.

It all makes sense now.
It all makes sense now.

Unfortunately, Liam doesn’t stop to spit dope rhymes or make any side-splitting jokes, so the similarities mostly end there. And in fact he turns out to be much less interesting and charismatic than Donald Glover.

Glover will have his own space adventure as part of the Star Wars universe. He will be in 2018’s untitled Han Solo movie, playing the part of a young Lando Calrissian. Recently he talked about the pressure of taking on the role.

As Childish Gambino, Glover’s latest release was 2016’s "Awaken, My Love!" It features the excellent track Redbone, which was featured in Jordan Peele’s acclaimed psychological horror film Get Out, which you should watch if you haven’t already.

Kosta, meanwhile, I can only hope is never seen or heard from again.

Source: GameSpot

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