New Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite Trailer Confirms Four More Characters

The list of confirmed characters on the Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite roster has grown quite substantially today. As part of the Marvel Games panel at San Diego Comic-Con, a total of four more characters have been announced.

These new additions focus on returning characters for the series. On the Capcom side, there’s Nemesis (Resident Evil), Mike Haggar (Final Fight), and Frank West (Dead Rising). Marvel’s newly confirmed character is Spider-Man.

All four characters were quickly shown in action at the panel, along with another look at the recently announced Gamora. You can check out a new trailer showcasing them all above; while brief, it does give you some sense of how each one will operate. This is off-screen footage from the Comic-Con panel, but we’ll update this story when the trailer officially makes its way online.

There are now more than two dozen characters confirmed for the Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite roster. The game arrives for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on September 19. You can read more about the game in our extensive interview about picking characters and fixing Chun-Li’s face.

Source: GameSpot

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