Fortnite Chapter 2: New World Challenges and Rewards

Fortnite New World Challenges – Discover Named Locations – Chapter 2 Season 1

Last Edited: October 15, 2019 at 12:01 PM

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1 launched on October 15, 2019 and introduced the New World challenges. While the game has essentially been reborn, the Mission format that was introduced in Season 10 (X) seems to have stayed the same. With eleven New World challenges for players to complete, you’ll have plenty to do to start the new season.

Below are all of the Fortnite New World Challenges. Clicking on the challenges in blue will take you to a more detailed description of how to complete that specific challenge.

This page is actively being updated!

Completing each challenge will earn players 14,000 XP and will unlock the next challenge in the New World Mission set. Once eight challenges have been completed, players will unlock the New World Loading Screen, seen above.

Discover Named Locations[edit]

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1 launched with a brand new map for the first time in Fortnite history. The first New World challenge is all about discovering the new Named Locations in the world. While there are 13 different Named Locations, players will only need to visit ten of them, marked by question marks on the map, to complete this challenge.

We are currently working on unlocking all of the different map locations!

Unlike previous Seasons, the map won’t be filled out for you. You’ll need to visit different locations on the map to fill them in yourself. After your first visit to a location, the map will be filled in for the remainder of Season 1.

Discover Landmarks[edit]

Similar to the Named Location challenge, players will need to visit ten different landmarks on the map. These are the gray locations on your map that appear between the Named Locations.This is something that will be completed naturally when you’re playing, so don’t stress over it.

The only thing to note here is that simply entering the gray area will not discover the landmark. You’ll need to look for a main building or feature in the gray area to visit, upon arrival you’ll discover the landmark and will be well on your way to completing the Fortnite New World challenges.

Ride a Motorboat in different matches[edit]

One of the many new additions to Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1 are motorboats. As you have probably learned by now, there are tons of lakes, rivers, and streams throughout the new world. To help you navigate the new area, Epic has given players access to boats.

For this New World challenge, you’ll have to get on a motorboat in three different matches.

Thankfully, it won’t be hard to find motorboat locations. Typically, you can find one or two at any building located along the water.

Search chests at Sweaty Sands or Retail Row[edit]

This Fortnite New World challenge isn’t typically one that would need explaining, but since there is a new map, with new locations, we thought it’d be good to show you the exact locations of Sweaty Sands and Retail Row in Fortnite.

Image coming soon!

Thankfully, both are easy to find if you have the locations unlocked on your map. However, if you don’t, you’re not going to know where to go.

Sweaty Sands is in northwest portion of the map. While Retail Row, which you’ll likely recognize from previous seasons, is located in the southeast portion of the map. You can see an arrow pointing to both locations in the image above.

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Source: IGN

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