Smash Bros. Boss Thinks There Are Too Many Fire Emblem Characters

Masahiro Sakurai, the director of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, agrees with fans that there are too many Fire Emblem and sword-based characters in the game.
As posted by Ryokutya2089, a column in Japanese magazine Famitsu saw Sakurai discuss the current situation with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’s character roster. “I know it as well. There are too many Fire Emblem characters,” he said. “And too many swordsmen. But when something’s decided, I move ahead with it.”
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He also explained that the choice is out of his hands when it comes to new characters. “New fighters aren’t decided by my preference, but are put forward by Nintendo,” he said.
While Sakurai recognises the large number of sword fighters in Ultimate, he hopes they all offer something individual. “Because there are too many swordsmen, we designed tactics only for that fighter.” he said, explaining that incorporating the heritage of fighters through three weapon choices is an example of this.
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At the end of January Nintendo announced that Fire Emblem: Three Houses protagonist Byleth was being added to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and the character was met with a less-than-happy response from the fan base. While the fighter is an easy pick-up-and-play character worth checking out, it’s easy to see why Sakurai has felt it important to discuss the situation with fans in his Famitsu column.
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Matt Purslow is IGN’s UK News and Entertainment Writer. You can follow him on Twitter

Source: IGN

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