The Becky trailer introduces a villainous Kevin James

kevin james with a bandage over one eye
Image: Quiver Distribution

He’s leaving mall-copping behind to go all-out as a bad guy

We’d been hoping Kevin James had more in him than endless comedy roles, and lately, he’s been proving his dramatic chops in the short films on his YouTube channel. Hopefully, the upcoming movie Becky will cement the idea that he’s more than just Paul Blart: Mall Cop.

Becky stars Lulu Wilson as the titular character, a 13-year-old girl who has had trouble coping with her mother’s death. What was meant to be a bonding trip for her and her father (Joel McHale) turns into an emotionally prickly one when her father’s new girlfriend (Amanda Brugel) tags along. Things become even more complicated when a group of criminals led by Dominick (James) stage a jailbreak and show up at the vacation house’s door.

Dominick, who has a swastika tattooed on the back of his head, is terrifying in the trailer. So far, so good, Kevin James. The film’s plot comes off as slightly The Book of Henry-esque, though, as Becky is left to save the day through her own violent devices.

Becky will be available in theaters, on digital and on demand on June 5.

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Source: Polygon

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