Latest Halo MCC Update Causes Issues On PC And Xbox One, Dev Asks Fans To Be Patient

Even before the big Halo: The Master Chief Collection update released this week and brought Halo 2 Anniversary to PC, developer 343 Industries warned that there would be many bugs with the release. Now that the game is out, players have discovered even more issues on PC and Xbox One.

343 Industries has now responded. Community director Brian Jarrard asked fans to be patient and to keep discussion civil as the studio works through solutions for the issues on PC and Xbox One (which also received an update that introduced new bugs). "Yelling at or insulting members of our team isn’t going to help. People work hard under extra challenging circumstances," Jarrad said, referencing how 343’s teams are working from home

"We don’t want anyone having a bad experience or encountering problems but some of the things we are hearing are hard to pin down / will take some time," Jarrard added. "To deliver the best experience they can and they are committed to continuing to work to resolve issues that arise. Thanks for your support and to those who are providing helpful details and issue reports. And to everyone who’s enjoying the game and not having issues – GLHF!"

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Source: GameSpot

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