Rogue One Trailer: Moments You Might Have Missed

The trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story aired recently, and once again, everyone is talking about Star Wars. While the film isn’t coming to theaters until December, the new trailer revealed a lot about the film. However, there are also some things fans may have missed upon their first or second viewing. We’re breaking down these moments for you, so you can be a Rogue One expert.

Mon Mothma returns

Genevieve O’Reilly plays the role of Mon Mothma in Rogue One. This isn’t a new character though. O’Reilly reprises her role from Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith, as the political figure and one of the founders of the Alliance to restore the Republic. She’s a key factor in the start of the Rebellion, and she also appeared in Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi, played by Caroline Blakiston.

What is Jedha and why is it so important?

A good chunk of the trailer takes place on Jedha. This is the spiritual homeworld for the Jedi and all things encompassing The Force, since it was the first place to explore using it. As the trailer moves forward, we can see that the Empire has control over this moon. They’re most likely there to crush the Rebellion. There may also be a chance they are there to make sure there are no more Jedi, but that might be a long shot.

The Empire is at its peak

What the overall trailer does very well is show how powerful the Empire has become. The movie takes place before the original Star Wars film. They have an imposing presence in the city in Jedha, including tank-like vehicles patrolling the streets. That’s something the trailer hits on again and again: the Empire is firmly in control.


Both Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) and Captain Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) have been captured on Jedha. In a very brief shot, we see them in restraints, which are blown off by blasters.

A monk following in the Jedi footsteps

Chirrut Îmwe (Donnie Yen) is a warrior monk who is not a Jedi or force sensitive, but he follows in the ways of the Jedi. He calmly says, "All is as the Force wills it," before beating up a whole group of Stormtroopers. What’s even crazier is that he’s blind.

The coolest shot of the trailer

The whole trailer is full of memorable moments, like a Star Destroyer flying out of the shadow of the Death Star. You probably didn’t miss the eclipse shot, unless you looked away from the screen for three seconds, but we just wanted to point out how awesome the shot of the Death Star going across the sun looked. Again, the trailer really lets the viewers know that the Empire is an impossible force to beat. They can block out the sun or fire their death laser at a planet.

Jyn and Cassian fly a U-Wing

A major part of the Star Wars universe is the iconic ships. In Rogue One, the ship of choice for the heroes is the U-Wing. While it was created for the film, the design pulls elements from the A-Wing and X-Wing, making it feel like it fits into the universe. It looks to be a mixture of a transport and an assault ship. By the end of the trailer, the whole group of Rebels appears in the ship.

The Empire insignia

The Empire insignia, which appears here on the shoulder of K-2SO (Alan Tudyk). He’s a recommissioned Imperial droid. He isn’t the only character wearing the symbol of the Empire though.

The Empire insignia returns

Bodhi Rook (Riz Ahmed) also has the Empire symbol on his clothing. Could he have once been a part of the Empire–and is that how we got K-2SO–or does all of this revolve around the team of Rebels going undercover in order to steal the plans for the Death Star?

The AT-ACT and its purpose

It’s hard to miss what looks like to be an Imperial Walker in the trailer. However, this is not the typical AT-AT fans are familiar with. It’s an AT-ACT, which stands for All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport. The vehicle takes a rocket to the head and seems to shrug it off. Why is it there? The planet this battle takes place on is Scarif, where the Empire mined supplies for the Death Star.

War is Hell

While the trailer wows audiences, there is one thing that keeps popping up: this is a war movie. It looks gritty and intense, unlike anything we’ve seen in Star Wars before. It’s like science fiction meets Band of Brothers. This happens more than just on Scarif. Battles seem to be happening on multiple planets.

Source: GameSpot

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