The Nintendo Switch has eclipsed the Wii U’s lifetime hardware sales

Nintendo has a huge hit on its hands

Nintendo has sold 14.86 million units of the Nintendo Switch in its current fiscal year, according to the company’s own numbers, with 52.57 million units of software sold alongside the system through Dec. 31, 2017.

That’s an amazing accomplishment for a console that’s less than a year old, and it already beats the Wii U’s lifetime sales of 13.56 million units of hardware. The Switch launched worldwide in early March 2017.

Nintendo is hitting home runs on the software side of things as well, as the company’s recent financial report — which covers the first three quarters of the company’s 2017 fiscal year, the period from April through December — pointed out.

“For the Nintendo Switch software, Super Mario Odyssey was released in October and has been a big hit, with global sales reaching 9.07 million units,” Nintendo said. “Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, released in April, has sold 7.33 million units, and Splatoon 2, released in July, has sold 4.91 million units, bringing to 8 the total number of million-seller titles for this fiscal year including the titles of other software publishers.”

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has also sold 6.7 million units on the Nintendo Switch.

These are huge numbers for the first-party games and the hardware itself, and it doesn’t look like this sales momentum is going to let up anytime soon. This is quite the victory lap for Nintendo, a company that doubled down on what worked about the Wii U and got rid of the rest to release a console that seemingly everyone wants to buy.

Source: Polygon – Full

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