Disney’s Star Wars Land Getting A Comic Book Before It Opens

If you’re having trouble waiting until Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opens at Disneyland this summer to find out exactly what a Star Wars land will be like, this should be some very good news. Marvel is releasing a comic book based on the land that will be available in April, giving fans their first taste at the mythology behind Black Spire Outpost, the trading post located on the planet Batuu that serves as the setting of Galaxy’s Edge.

According to The Marvel.com, the five-issue miniseries will be set on the planet of Batuu and will introduce Dok-Ondar, a "collector of rare antiquities" that will appear in the theme park. The character was first mentioned in Solo: A Star Wars Story. According to Ethan Sacks, who’s writing the comic, readers will get to know the character quite a bit.

"There’s a reason Dok-Ondar’s name ripples far and wide in the Star Wars universe," he told Marvel.com in an interview. "He’s a mysterious Ithorian who is the proprietor of the most notorious antiquities shop in the galaxy. And every item has a story behind it. Some more dangerous to listen to than others."

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To create the world of Batuu and keep the Black Spire Outpost as close as possible to what fans will be available to visit as possible, Sacks said he and illustrator Will Sliney were given plenty of concept art from the theme park expansion to make sure it’s accurate. "Armed with top-secret sketches and information from Walt Disney Imagineering and Lucasfilm, we are keeping this authentic to the spirit of this rich new setting," he said.

The first issue of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge will be released in April. Galaxy’s Edge is expected to open at the Disneyland Resort in the summer, with Walt Disney World’s version following in the fall.

Source: GameSpot

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