A tease for Apex Legends’ next character might have just appeared in-game

What might be Octane’s bounce pads can be found outside of Market

Apex Legends’ newest character seems to have a secret teaser in-game. The new teaser comes in the form of new bounce pads that have appeared outside of Market in both the front and back.

Respawn Entertainment
Apex Legends’ new bounce pads

The pads themselves appear to be in-line with the recent leaks about the game’s next character, who according to several leaks is named Octane. The character has an ultimate ability that places jump pads on the ground that anyone can use. It would seem that these are the same bounce pads.

While it’s difficult to say when these entered the game, one of the first people to spot them was prominent streamer Kraftyy, whose viewers were quick to clip the footage of the bounce pads and post it online.

The pads themselves work exactly the way you would think: Step on them and they launch you into the air. If you hit them while running fast, or from a greater height they also seem to launch you further into the air.

Developer Respawn Entertainment has yet to comment on the bounce pads or their inclusion in-game, beyond a sly reply to a Reddit thread pointing out their existence. In a thread posted by user u/jetblacklab, Respawn developer lowkeydbjosh simply commented a smirking emoji.

While it’s possible that these new bounce pads aren’t actually related to the new character at all, they do seem suspiciously like the ultimate that leaked Octane. But unless Respawn decide to officially comment on the matter, we won’t know for sure until the game receives its season one update, which is due sometime this month.

Source: Polygon

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