Fat Pikachu Is Back for Pokemon Sword and Shield and We’re Ecstatic

A beloved Pikachu design is making its way into Pokemon Sword and Shield through a Gigantamax transformation, a special kind form that gives certain Pokemon a unique design and move. Sure, Gigantamax forms for Charizard, Eevee, and Meowth were also revealed, but we’re just here for Pikachu. Why? Because it’s fat Pikachu.

Watch the new Pokemon Sword and Shield trailer below; the chonkster Pikachu appears at the 00:23 mark:

This wonderfully nostalgic design for Gigantamax Pikachu is far closer to how the iconic Pokemon looked at the start of the series. As shown in the art on the 1999 calendar and the two figures from the late 90s below, Pikachu took on more of a round mouse shape rather than its more slender form we see today. Pikachu also has a much longer, thinner tail which is also featured in its Gigantamax form.

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Source: IGN

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